Membership Benefits

Membership in TxCIA provides a number of benefits including:

  • Communication: TxCIA will provide ongoing, updated information on the captive insurance market in the state, and new state and federal regulations and laws impacting captives.

  • Networking:  Through regular meetings and communication, TxCIA will build a network of captive insurance entities domiciled in the state and other interested parties to discuss, share and expand opportunities in the captive market as well as other business opportunities through shared values and experiences.

  • Advocacy:  TxCIA will protect the interests of captive entities through an aggressive advocacy program including efforts in Austin with the legislature and state regulatory officials, as well as in Washington, DC.

  • Marketing:  TxCIA will provide opportunities for exposure to others in the industry through annual conference and webinar sponsorships, as well as through the TxCIA website and other publications and newsletters.

  • Education: TxCIA will offer ongoing continuing education for its members with experts in the industry as well as key public policy makers headlining seminars and conferences. 


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